AMC results and qualification 2023/2024

Updated on Jan. 25th, 2024, AMC8 Results are out

Step1: Find your unique student ID:

 Login and click "My info" at the left top of the welcome page.

Step 2: Results

AMC 8 results, 2024

AMC10/12A results, 2023

(1) AMC10A scores of all students are published here. Please check this webpage for updates and see if you are qualified for AIME.

(2)  As many of you are aware, there was a leak in AMC12A, and there are obvious anomalies in AMC12A scores at the Rutgers site. I am waiting for MAA's guidelines on how to handle this. 

For the moment, I anyway release the original scores after you fill out the following honor form. Parents/students: please send me your suggestions/concerns to from your point of view.

Without any presumption, students need to fill out and sign  the following honor statement form to view his/her AMC12A scores:

MAA may publish new rules on AIME qualification using AMC12A scores. I may grade your scratch papers and send my opinions to MAA.  

AMC10/12B results, 2023 (updated on 11/29/2023)

(1) Complete AMC10B scores of students are published here. Please check this webpage for updates and see if you are qualified for AIME.  (Two are missing, and will be updated once MAA manually verify your scantrons)

(2) AMC12B scores of all students are published here.

Check back this page to see if you are qualified for AIME or Honors/Awards.

Step3: if you believe there are discrepancy between the published score and your own estimate, you may follow the following procedure to request for re-grading:

Scoring Errors

It is extremely unlikely that there is a scoring error. If you believe that a scoring error has been made, you may request manual re-scoring by filling out the form AND email me:

Honors and Awards:

Honor and Honor certificate (including AMC8)

The meaning of Letters on the Honor column is as follows. Parents may download the Honor certificates here and fill out your names by yourself.

Award list for AMC8 

Award list for AMC10A 

Award list for AMC12A 

Award list for AMC10B 

Award list for AMC12B 

Step 4: AIME

AIME cut-off has been updated. Please follow the instructions below to take AIME I at Rutgers. Exact location will be either at Rutgers campus or a local library in Greater Princeton.  (AIME II is not offered for the moment. Email me if you have a genuine conflict of schedule.)

AIME I or II Registration:

AMC courses:

If you score more than 15/25 in AMC8 or 60 in AMC10 and are interested in hardcore STEM, you may be interested in our AMC courses

Please check the detailed and register here: syllabus and schedule, registration.