AP Physics
Time: 1:30pm-2:50pm EST, Saturday, 09/17/2022-06/10/2023
Format: Synchronous via zoom / google classroom
Email: liu.umn@gmail.com
Registration: 1) Registration system of HX Montgomery http://www.hxcsmg.org/ if you are residents of Montgomery, NJ; or
2) google form: https://forms.gle/gfGDoTo6UWeznq35A
I. Textbook (Free, available at https://openstax.org/)
1. https://d3bxy9euw4e147.cloudfront.net/oscms-prodcms/media/documents/APCollegePhysics-OP.pdf
2. Lecture Notes by L. Liu (free)
This course consists of thirty lectures on AP Physics (abc, will involve Calculus). I will guide them on the textbook and basic concepts. High-school students who are particularly interested in STEM and have a solid background in Mathematics (at least Algebra II) are welcome to join. Calculus will be used in the course but not as a pre-requisite.
The covered materials are particularly aligned for performance at AP Physics C. I will emphasize on the fundamental concepts and deductive structure of physics despite the fundamental importance of experimental tests for physics. I may adjust the covered materials according to students’ level and progress. Roughly, the course will arrange as follow: